
Corporate Structure


Paraná Banco, through its joint ventures with Travelers Companies Inc, Junto Seguros S.A. and Junto Resseguros S.A., operates in the surety bond and reinsurance segments, also acting passively in the DPVAT insurance segment.

Also, considering the creation of Paraná Seguros, through the partnership with Wiz Soluções, it acts in the offer of insurance products for specially for customers of Paraná Banco’s distribution network.

The organizational chart below shows the structure of the economic group in which Paraná Banco’s subsidiaries are part.

Junto Seguros S.A

JMalucelli Seguradora S.A. (current Junto Seguros S.A.) was organized in 1991, operating throughout Brazil and Latin America, as a multi-branch insurer, authorized to operate in property and casualty and group life portfolios. In 1995, it obtained the grant of a company specialized in surety bond by the Instituto de Resseguros do Brasil (IRB). From then on, for strategic reasons, it concentrated its transactions and commercial activities exclusively on the surety bond segment.

Surety bond is a type of insurance that aims to guarantee the fulfillment of a contractual obligation established in public, private or bidding contracts. Junto Seguros often occupies the top positions in market share in the production of direct premiums in the surety bond market.

In November 2018, JMalucelli Seguradora, as part of its digital transformation process, changed its name to Junto Seguros, the first digital surety bond insurer in Brazil.

Junto Resseguros S.A.

In April 2008, JMalucelli Resseguradora S.A. was created (current Junto Resseguros S.A.), to take advantage of the business opportunities generated with the opening of the reinsurance market in Brazil. The Reinsurer reinsures the surety bond policies generated by Junto Seguros, being responsible for transferring the excess risk assumed to other reinsurers. The business model created, resulting from the convergent performance of Junto Seguros and Junto Resseguros, provided a relevant competitive advantage since it allows greater retention of premiums by the Company’s insurance group, and consequently, greater profitability.

Aligned with Insurer’s strategy, in November 2018, JMalucelli Resseguradora was renamed Junto Resseguros.

Paraná Seguros S.A.

Created at the end of 2022, it is the result of a partnership between Paraná Seguros and Wiz Soluções and aims to explore exclusively the PB distribution network to offer security products to its customers.

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